If you are visiting this website for the first time, you are probably looking for Japanese language learning materials. Yes, choosing the right textbook is very important in learning a foreign language, particularly when learning at the elementary level! If you cannot decide which of the many different textbooks you should use, we recommend Elementary Japanese: PANORAMA. Unlike other elementary Japanese textbooks that are frequently separated into two volumes, PANORAMA introduces all of the material studied at the elementary level of Japanese in one volume. There are also three unique features that support your learning more effectively and reliably.

1. Vocabulary Learning

Learning the sheer volume of vocabulary is by far the most important and challenging aspect in foreign language learning. It is important to use a textbook that provides an effective tool to ensure spaced repetition practices to learn vocabulary.
Many textbooks contain a vocabulary list for each chapter with a CD or mp3 files. However, these do not sufficiently enable learners to effectively memorize or repeatedly practice vocabulary. It is important to choose a textbook that provides a spaced repetition tool built on a proper algorithm. PANORAMA utilizes one of the best spaced repetition tools, Anki.

What experts say...

A lot of research on language learning focuses on syntax, like word order, … But our study shows that syntax represents just a tiny piece of language learning, and that the main difficulty has got to be in learning what so many words mean.

Steven Piantadosi

2. Sentence Practice

Like vocabulary learning, it is important to choose a textbook that allows you to practice reading and listening to sentences repeatedly based on the right interval. Many textbooks usually offer practices such as writing sentences and listening to dialogues, but not many of them organize these practices in a way that allows learners to practice the same sentences repeatedly over an extended period of time. This is a big problem for achieving long-term learning success. Just like vocabulary learning, it is important to use a textbook that allows you to do spaced repetition practices of sentences. PANORAMA uses the same Anki application for this purpose as well.

What experts say...

Ample evidence supports the utility of spaced practice in improving educational outcomes. Incorporating spaced practice into education can be a cost-effective approach—learning becomes more durable in the same amount of time (relative to massed practice), and this can lead to future savings because less time needs to be spent on relearning content that has been forgotten, leaving more time for other productive learning activities (e.g., higher order analysis, application of knowledge). In short, spaced practice enhances the efficacy and efficiency of learning, and it holds great promise as an educational tool. Despite over a century of research findings demonstrating the spacing effect, however, it does not have widespread application in the classroom. The spacing effect is “a case study in the failure to apply the results of psychological research” (Dempster, 1988, p. 627).

Sean H. K. Kang

3. Grammar Introduction

Japanese elementary grammar is very systematic, so it can be effectively learned if it is introduced systematically. Many Japanese textbooks, however, introduce each expression separately with little effort in relating an expression to others. It is true that these narrowly focused grammar introductions make it easy to practice each expression separately and, as a result, quickly produce tangible gains. Recent studies have found strong empirical evidence, however, that these methods are ineffective in producing long-lasting learning outcomes.

In order to achieve long-term learning success, we encourage you to check the index of each textbook you are considering and choose the one that introduces grammar and expressions systematically. Check if the textbook offers well-structured grammar explanations. PANORAMA achieves this goal by introducing grammar through just twelve overarching grammar points.

What experts say...

It’s widely believed by teachers, trainers, and coaches that the most effective way to master a new skill is to give it dogged, single-minded focus, practicing over and over until you’ve got it down. Our faith in this runs deep, because most of us see fast gains during the learning phase of massed practice. What’s apparent from the research is that gains achieved during massed practice are transitory and melt away quickly.

Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel

The three features above are absolutely necessary to achieve long-term learning success, but, in reality, not many textbooks satisfy all of them. There are other factors such as the price, page layout, and style of illustrations that you may take into consideration when you choose a textbook, but we strongly recommend that you prioritize these three features over other factors to ensure that you learn most effectively.

How to Study With PANORAMA?

Elementary Japanese: PANORAMA is a new type of beginners’ Japanese textbook that lets you easily practice what you learn on your phone or computer. If you study along with the following steps, you will certainly be able to efficiently improve your Japanese!

Step 1: Understand learning points through textbook explanations and examples

Read the explanations and examples in the textbook’s modules, “Module I: The Japanese Sound and Writing Systems” and “Module II: Grammar,” to understand the learning points. The explanations in PANORAMA are written in words that beginners can easily understand and are accompanied by many example sentences.

Step 2: Read and listen to the sentences found on the website’s Example Sentences Slides to deepen your understanding

Read the example sentences you studied in step one along with additional example sentences on the textbook’s website. Listening to the voiced recording also helps you deepen your understanding of the learning points.

Step 3: Complete the textbook’s comprehension check to confirm your understanding

In “Module I: The Japanese Sound and Writing Systems” and “Module II: Grammar,” there is a comprehension check in each section. After going through the learning materials in steps 1 and 2, complete the comprehension check to confirm your understanding.

Step 4: Do various exercises in the textbook’s “Module III: Practice”

Practice what you learned in “Module I: The Japanese Sound and Writing Systems” and “Module II: Grammar” through various exercises in “Module III: Practice.”

Step 5: Use Anki to repeatedly practice learned vocabulary, example sentences, and kanji

Even after you start learning the next point in class, you can use Anki for practice regularly to prevent yourself from forgetting what you have just learned. Since you can learn not only vocabulary and kanji, but also the example sentences from “Module II: Grammar,” you can confidently proceed with repeated practice of learned grammar and reading and listening to sentences.

If you continue the learning method from steps 1 through 5, you can improve your Japanese effectively and reliably. Learn Japanese efficiently with PANORAMA!