Voiced Sounds, Contracted Sounds, and Double Consonants

Voiced Sounds (p.8)


Read “I-3. Voiced Sounds” on p.8.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.8.


Japanese Sounds and Pronunciations (1) 3 (p.207)

Voiced Sounds

Following the video instructions, practice the sound of each syllable.

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Syllable by Syllable

Repeat each syllable aloud.

Syllable Strings

Repeat each string of syllables aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each syllable aloud, this time while you listen.

Following the video instructions, practice the pronunciations of the words that appear in the Comprehension Check.

Word by Word

Repeat each word aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each word aloud again, this time while you listen.

Contracted Sounds (pp.9-10)


Read “I-4. Contracted Sounds” on p.9.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.10.


Japanese Sounds and Pronunciations (1) 4 (p.208)

Contracted Sounds

Following the video instructions, practice the sound of each syllable.

Syllable by Syllable

Repeat each syllable aloud.

Syllable Strings

Repeat each string of syllables aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each syllable aloud again, this time while you listen.

Syllable by Syllable – Unvoiced & Voiced

Repeat each syllable aloud.

Syllable Strings

Repeat each string of syllables aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each syllable aloud again, this time while you listen.

Following the video instructions, practice the pronunciations of the words that appear in the Comprehension Check.

Word by Word

Repeat each word aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each word aloud again, this time while you listen.

Double Consonants (pp.10-11)


Read “I-5. Double Consonants” on p.10.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check 1 on p.11.


Japanese Sounds and Pronunciations (1) 5 (p.208)

Double Consonants

Following the video instructions, practice the pronunciations of the words that appear in “I-5. Double Consonants” and the subsequent Comprehension Check.

Word by Word

Repeat each word aloud.

Shadowing Practice

Repeat each word aloud again, this time while you listen.