「切手」から「吹く」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. さいしょstrongふfirst; beginningかぜ(postage) stampwindto collect; to gatherどうぶつきってや(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentあつanimal(rain, snow, etc.) stopsつよ 2. かぜstrongwindさいしょつよ(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentfirst; beginningや(rain, snow, etc.) stopsふto collect; to gatherどうぶつきって(postage) stampあつanimal 3. さいしょanimalあつwind(rain, snow, etc.) stopsどうぶつstrong(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentfirst; beginningかぜつよきってふ(postage) stampto collect; to gatherや 4. さいしょ(postage) stampstrongwindanimalどうぶつかぜふfirst; beginningやあつ(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentきって(rain, snow, etc.) stopsつよto collect; to gather 5. (rain, snow, etc.) stops(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentfirst; beginningきってかぜto collect; to gatherやつよstrong(postage) stampさいしょanimalどうぶつあつwindふ 6. animalさいしょstrongどうぶつwindfirst; beginningかぜふto collect; to gatherあつつよ(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrument(postage) stampやきって(rain, snow, etc.) stops 7. animalfirst; beginningstrongやあつかぜ(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentふどうぶつさいしょきって(rain, snow, etc.) stopsつよ(postage) stampto collect; to gatherwind 8. やふきってanimalあつ(rain, snow, etc.) stops(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentかぜto collect; to gatherつよさいしょstrongwindfirst; beginningどうぶつ(postage) stamp Loading...