Grammar Point 4

いる/ある and だ (p.52) and だ (pp.52-54)


Watch the intro video.

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Read “I. いる/ある and だ” and “II. だ” on pp.52-54.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook. 

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.54.

Practice - Asking the Meaning of Words (p.215)

Practice 11-0 (p.215)

The AI robot that you are helping learn Japanese has a little confusion over the use of だ. Answer its questions so that it can figure out what kind of sentences だ should be used for. Make sure to record the sentences using polite speech when you are asked.

Practice 11-1 (p.216)

Complete the Sentence & Writing Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching is doing.

Practice 11-2 (p.216)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 11-3 (p.216)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate. Also, answer KIta-san’s questions in the video.

Kita-san, who is not very confident in speaking English, wants to make sure that he knows the correct words. Answer his questions to help him refresh his vocabulary.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Practice - Talking about Names, Ages, Nationalities, Birthdays and Majors (pp.216-219)

Practice 12-1 (pp.216-217)

Complete the Sentence & Writing Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching is doing.



Practice 12-2 (p.217)

Complete the Writing Practice.

Practice 12-3 (p.217)

Perform your self-introduction in front of the class.

Practice 12-4 (pp.217-218)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 12-5 (p.219)

Nishi-san and Kita-san have just joined your event planning team. Answer their questions and share the information you’ve collected.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Practice - Talking about the Prices of Things (pp.219-220)

Practice 13-1 (p.219)

Complete the Sentence & Writing Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching is doing.



Practice 13-2 (pp.219-220)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 13-3 (p.220)

Nishi-san and Kita-san are visiting your booth. Answer their questions.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Part of Speech that Take だ (p.55) and Japanese Adjectives (pp.55-60)


Watch the intro video.

Read “II-3. Part of Speech that Take だ,” “III-1. I-adjectives and Na-adjectives,” and “III-2. I-adjective Long Form Conjugations” on pp.55-58.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook. 

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.58.


Read “Quick Note: Aizuchi and Sentence-Final Particles ね and よ” on pp.59-60.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook. 

Practice - Giving Your Impressions of Things & Listening Actively (p.220)

Practice 14-0 (p.220)

The AI robot that you are helping learn Japanese needs more information to figure out how to use the three conjugation patterns correctly. Answer the robot’s questions so that it can learn the rules and continue to learn with you.


Take practice quizzes to test your knowledge of the long form conjugations!

Practice 14-1 (pp.220-221)

Complete the Sentence & Writing Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching is doing.



Practice 14-2 (p.221)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

好きな to like, 嫌いな to dislike, 欲しい to want, and the Subject Marker Particle が (pp.60-62)


Read “III-3. 好き(な) “to like,” 嫌い(な) “to dislike”, 欲しい “to want” and the Subject Marker Particle が” on pp.60-62.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

Practice - Talking about Likes, Dislikes & Wants (p.221)

Practice 15-1 (p.221)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate. Also, answer Nishi-san and KIta-san’s questions in the videos.

Nishi-san and Kita-san, who work part-time at your school’s International Students Office, want to feature you in the article they are currently writing for the school newspaper about international students. Help them by answering their questions.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

好きな to like, 嫌いな to dislike, 欲しい to want, and the Subject Marker Particle が (pp.62-63)


Read “III-3. 好き(な) “to like,” 嫌い(な) “to dislike”, 欲しい “to want” and the Subject Marker Particle が” on pp.62-63.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.63.

Rules for Modifying Nouns with Adjectives (pp.64-65)


Read “III-4. Rules for Modifying Nouns with Adjectives” on pp.64-65.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.65.

Practice - Talking about Likes, Dislikes & Wants (pp.222-223)

Phrase Practice

The AI robot needs data to understand the differences between “Noun + の + Noun,” “Na-Adjective + な + Noun,” and “I-adjective + Noun.” Record the given English phrases in Japanese.

Practice 15-2 (p.222)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 15-3 (p.222)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 15-4 (p.222)

Complete the Reading Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching can read. Finally, read the composition out loud together.

Practice 15-5 (p.223)

Kita-san, who writes articles on international students for the school newspaper, is interested in what Wang-san wrote about the things he likes. You have Wang-san’s permission to share the information he wrote in his composition (p. 222). Answer Kita-san’s questions.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Practice 15-6 (p.223)

Complete the Writing Practice.

Practice 15-7 (p.223)

Make a presentation in front of the class.

Practice - Talking about the Weather & Colors (pp.223-224)

Practice 16-1 (pp.223-224)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Talking About Colors (pp.65-66)


Read “IV. Talking About Colors” on pp.65-66.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook.

Practice - Talking about the Weather & Colors (p.224)

Practice 16-2 (p.224)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate. Also, answer Nishi-san’s questions in the video.

You have interviewed international students about their preferences on colors to help Nishi-san write an article for the school newspaper. Share the information you got in the interviews with Nishi-san.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Practice 16-3 (p.222)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 16-4 (p.223)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate. Also, answer Kita-san’s questions in the video.

You have interviewed international students about their preferences on the colors of specific items to help Kita-san write an article for the school newspaper. Share the information you got in the interviews with Kita-san.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Quick Note: Topic Marker Particle は and Subject Marker Particle が (pp.66-68)


Read “Quick Note: Topic Marker Particle は and Subject Marker Particle が” on pp.66-68.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

The examples labeled “Additional” are not included in the textbook. Learn these additional examples and the words used in them on top of the examples that appear in the textbook.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.68.

Practice - Talking about Whether or Not Something Exists (pp.225-227)

Practice 17-1 (p.225)

Complete the Sentence & Writing Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching is doing.

Practice 17-2 (pp.225-226)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 17-3 (p.226)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 17-4 (p.226)

Kita-san wants to try out the “Brain Training” book with you. You are looking at Student A’s picture and Kita-san is looking at Student B’s. Answer Kita-san’s questions.

Now, let’s check how well the AI robot that your are coaching is doing!

Practice 17-5 (pp.226-227)

Complete the Reading Practice. Then, check how well the AI robot that you are coaching can read. Finally, read the composition out loud together.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Practice 17-6 (p.227)

Complete the Writing Practice.

Practice 17-7 (p.227)

Make a presentation in front of the class.

Quick Note: Making Invitations and Soliciting and Giving Approval Using Negative Questions and 〜ましょう (pp.69-70)


Read “Quick Note: Making Invitations and Soliciting and Giving Approval Using Negative Questions and 〜ましょう” on pp.69-70.

Examine the example sentences again with the slides. This time, also make sure to play audio and repeat them aloud.

Comprehension Check

Complete the Comprehension Check on p.70.

Practice - Making, Accepting and Rejecting Invitations (pp.227-228)

Give the AI robot a quick lesson about how to say “Let’s ~” in Japanese!

Practice 18-1 (p.227)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 18-2 (p.228)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.

Practice 18-3 (p.228)

Complete the Conversation Practice with a classmate.