it is okay NOT to ~ & it is no good NOT to ~

*This quiz pulls 10 random questions each time when showing the quiz. You can keep taking new quizzes by refreshing the browser after each submission.

Using the word provided, write the expression "it is okay NOT to ~" or "it is no good NOT to ~." End the expression in the long form.

1. [word] understand; know  [expr] it is okay NOT to ~   

2. [word] cut  [expr] it is okay NOT to ~   

3. [word] (be) small  [expr] it is okay NOT to ~   

4. [word] write  [expr] it is okay NOT to ~   

5. [word] get off/out of [a vehicle]  [expr] it is okay NOT to ~   

6. [word] talk  [expr] it is no good NOT to ~ (have to, must, etc.)   

7. [word] see; watch; look at  [expr] it is no good NOT to ~ (have to, must, etc.)   

8. [word] work  [expr] it is no good NOT to ~ (have to, must, etc.)   

9. [word] (be) delicious; good[-tasting]  [expr] it is no good NOT to ~ (have to, must, etc.)   

10. [word] go  [expr] it is no good NOT to ~ (have to, must, etc.)   


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