it is okay to ~ & it is no good to ~

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Using the word provided, write the expression "it is okay to ~" or "it is no good to ~." End the expression in the long form.

1. [word] say  [expr] it is no good to ~ (not be allowed to, must not, etc.)   

2. [word] hear; listen to; to ask  [expr] it is okay to ~   

3. [word] (be) old  [expr] it is okay to ~   

4. [word] take [a picture]  [expr] it is no good to ~ (not be allowed to, must not, etc.)   しゃしんを

5. [word] sleep  [expr] it is okay to ~   

6. [word] eat  [expr] it is no good to ~ (not be allowed to, must not, etc.)   

7. [word] ride; get into/onto [a vehicle]; take [a mode of transportation]  [expr] it is no good to ~ (not be allowed to, must not, etc.)   

8. [word] (be) small  [expr] it is no good to ~ (not be allowed to, must not, etc.)   

9. [word] hard; rough  [expr] it is okay to ~   

10. [word] (be) boring  [expr] it is okay to ~   


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