「一」から「~以外」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 八fourfiveone thousandsevenone hundredtenthreeeighttwooneten thousandsixnine 2. 出来るfamous person; celebrityto come outto arriveto go out; appear; attendbrother; siblingcan do; be able to do 3. 左insideleftbelow; underoutsiderightup; above 4. 話すto saylanguage ofto speak; talkmouthto singto read 5. 休みwhatto enterto makewomanto use[counter for people]personrest; a day off; holidayman 6. 百sevenfivenineone thousandten thousandthreeone hundredfourtensixtwooneeight 7. 教室interesting; funnysometimesbankclassroomroomto learntextbookpeople 8. 古いunskillful; bad atsingermeaningskillful; good atskillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)songto warnoldunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.) 9. 兄younger sisterolder brotherolder sister~st/nd/rd/th year studentyounger brotherdog[one's own] older brothername[one's own] older sister 10. 苦手(な)skillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)songunskillful; bad atskillful; good atmeaningoldsingerto warnunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.) 11. 電話somethinganything; whateverrich personto put intoessay; composition~ yenlast weekendtelephonenewspaperelectricity; electric light 12. 一万oneone hundredfourfivetenthreeten thousandtwoone thousandnineeightsixseven 13. 忘れるwork; jobteato forgetto workbusyflowerEnglish 14. 九one thousandsevenonesixnineten thousandfivethreeteneightone hundredtwofour 15. 得意(な)songskillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)meaningunskillful; bad atunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.)skillful; good atoldsingerto warn 16. 店to answerstore; shopother than ~to livesummer breakto borrow 17. 本high schoolschooluniversitymiddle schoolbookelementary school 18. 日本人I; memotherfriend[one's own] fatherfatherJapanese person/peoplestudentteacherchild[one's own] mother 19. 先生[one's own] motherteacherfatherchild[one's own] fatherfriendJapanese person/peoplemotherI; mestudent 20. 〜間~ ago / before ~countryforeign countryall during the time ~after ~two peoplewhen ~alone; by oneselftime~ years ago/beforewhile ~; during the time ~ Loading... By using this code of transparency in your relationship, your marriage will viagra sildenafil start to improve. It reduces infections of the respiratory tract. buy viagra cheap https://pdxcommercial.com/oregon-tech-doldrums-job-growth-flatlines/job-growth/ Lier, fish and meat, which form an animal-based food group, also within a lot of debate about whether or not ED medicine really works, but a lot of this is going to help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. on line cialis Other risk factors for erectile dysfunction include various medical problems https://pdxcommercial.com/property-status/inactive?property_status=inactive&term-property-main-loop=151&tax-property-main-loop=property_type tadalafil 40mg such as hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure), diabetes, vascular disease, and neurological disease account for about 70pct of ED cases.