「一」から「顔」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 車Tokyocartrainto rideChinatravel; trip 2. 安全(な)(something) ends; finishesto think; consideronce; one timebirdsafeonce again 3. 英語to forgetto workwork; jobbusyteaflowerEnglish 4. 研究researchheavyeyeto exercisephoto; picture 5. 面白いtextbooksometimesbankinteresting; funnypeopleroomclassroomto learn 6. 治るto fixto get tiredto get better; be curedfor the first time 7. 朝ご飯drinkfoodcooking; cuisinedinnerbreakfast 8. 町a little moreto worryreally; trulycafeteriapainting; drawing; picturetownemojioneself 9. 今nowtomorrowtodayyesterdayevery day 10. 肉rainmeatrivermountainMr./Ms. Tanakawaterfish 11. 食堂painting; drawing; picturereally; trulyto worrytowncafeteriaa little moreemojioneself 12. 去年last monthnext weekthis monthnext monthlast yearlast weekthis weekweekendthis yearnext year 13. 登るdifficultto study abroaddreamto climbword; vocabulary 14. 足letterto runfoot; legto wake up; get up; (something) happenshandto give rise to; cause; awaken; raise up 15. 社会longcompany presidentsocietyoffice worker; company employeeearlyworldcompanyquickly; earlymaybe 16. 日本人Japanese person/peoplefatherI; mefriend[one's own] fatherteacherstudentmotherchild[one's own] mother 17. 手伝うback; heightto help (with)medicineto explaingrammar 18. 医者to know; learn ofnearbyweatherwhodoctor 19. 強いstrong(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentwindanimal(postage) stampto collect; to gatherfirst; beginning(rain, snow, etc.) stops 20. 三ten thousandsixthreetenseveneightninefiveone thousandonetwofourone hundred Loading...