「一」から「説明する」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 午前morning; before noonfront; beforeafternoonthe next daythe day beforeback; behind 2. お大事にtake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick)(one's own) husbandto return [something]familyshe; girlfriendimportant; crucialhe; boyfriend 3. 彼女important; crucialhe; boyfriendfamilytake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick)(one's own) husbandto return [something]she; girlfriend 4. 行くto goto sellto cometo see; watch; to look atto eatto drink 5. 手伝うback; heightgrammarmedicineto explainto help (with) 6. 大事なtake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick)(one's own) husbandshe; girlfriendfamilyimportant; crucialhe; boyfriendto return [something] 7. 返すtake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick)she; girlfriend(one's own) husbandhe; boyfriendfamilyto return [something]important; crucial 8. 研究to exercisephoto; pictureheavyeyeresearch 9. 言葉economylanguage; wordwaralcohol; sake 10. 入る[counter for people]rest; a day off; holidaywomanmanto useto enterpersonto makewhat 11. 父childfriend[one's own] fatherteacherI; memother[one's own] motherfatherJapanese person/peoplestudent 12. お父さんI; mefriend[one's own] fatherstudentmotherfather[one's own] motherchildteacherJapanese person/people 13. 去年last monthnext weekthis weeklast yearlast weekthis yearnext yearnext monthweekendthis month 14. 面白いsometimesroomto learninteresting; funnypeopletextbookbankclassroom 15. 手to runfoot; leghandletterto wake up; get up; (something) happensto give rise to; cause; awaken; raise up 16. 着るto die; pass awayto bringto begin; start (something)(something) beginsto hold; haveto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto stand; stand upto showto think 17. 夏休みto answerto borrowsummer breakother than ~store; shopto live 18. 戦争alcohol; sakeeconomylanguage; wordwar 19. お母さんfriendfather[one's own] motherstudentteachermotherI; me[one's own] fatherchildJapanese person/people 20. 取るto laugh; smileto washto take; to remove (one's glasses, etc.)to put on weight; get fatto memorize; commit to memory; fix in one's mind Loading...