「~台」から「選ぶ」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. to choose; selectかいだい~ timesえら[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]numberかぞはいto countかず[counter for cups of drink] 2. はい[counter for cups of drink]えらかずだいかい[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]numberかぞto choose; selectto count~ times 3. かい[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]だい[counter for cups of drink]to countはいかぞえらto choose; selectnumberかず~ times 4. だいかぞ[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]to choose; select~ timesえらかいto countnumberはい[counter for cups of drink]かず 5. [counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]かずnumberえらだい~ timesかぞはいto choose; select[counter for cups of drink]かいto count 6. to choose; selectかずnumber~ timesはい[counter for cups of drink]かぞえらかいだいto count[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices] Loading...