「〜年」から「〜半」まで 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. ふん/ぷんhalf past ~; ~ and a halfthe ~th day of the monthじねんにちthe year ~; ~yearsがつはんthe ~th month of the year~minutes past ~ o'clock 2. がつhalf past ~; ~ and a halfthe year ~; ~yearsふん/ぷんthe ~th month of the yearにちthe ~th day of the month~minutes past ~ o'clockじはんねん 3. ~minutes past ~ o'clockにちthe ~th day of the monthhalf past ~; ~ and a halfふん/ぷんがつはんねんthe ~th month of the yearthe year ~; ~yearsじ 4. ~minutes past ~ o'clockふん/ぷんhalf past ~; ~ and a halfじにちthe ~th month of the yearがつはんthe ~th day of the monthねんthe year ~; ~years 5. がつねんふん/ぷんはんhalf past ~; ~ and a halfじthe year ~; ~years~minutes past ~ o'clockthe ~th month of the yearにちthe ~th day of the month Loading...