「一」から「不便な」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 音楽bicyclemovie; filmmovie theaterto drivepronunciationmusic 2. 一人でafter ~~ ago / before ~while ~; during the time ~timetwo peoplewhen ~countryforeign countryalone; by oneselfall during the time ~~ years ago/before 3. 上up; aboverightbelow; underinsideoutsideleft 4. 二sixnineeightfourfiveone thousandtenten thousandsevenone hundredthreeonetwo 5. 教えるto writeto teachlibraryto study 6. 仕事to forgetwork; jobbusyEnglishflowerto worktea 7. 日本人teachermotherI; mefatherfriendstudentchild[one's own] motherJapanese person/people[one's own] father 8. 安いnewbadwide; spaciousfamousinexpensive; cheapkind 9. 出てくるto come outto arriveto go out; appear; attendfamous person; celebritybrother; siblingcan do; be able to do 10. お酒alcohol; sakewarlanguage; wordeconomy 11. 暗いnot at allnightdangerousdarklate; slow 12. 不便なairplaneinconvenientto move [houses] 13. 降るsnowconvenient; usefulallimpossible; more than one can handleto cry(rain, snow, etc.) falls 14. 病気kimono; Japanese attirehospitalstationto buildsickness; illnessbuildingshopping 15. 銀行sometimestextbookinteresting; funnypeopleroomclassroomto learnbank 16. 外国~ years ago/beforeall during the time ~after ~when ~foreign countryalone; by oneselfcountrytimewhile ~; during the time ~two people~ ago / before ~ 17. 場所placeto pushto be crowed / congestedairport 18. 目to exerciseeyeresearchphoto; pictureheavy 19. 試験problemhomeworktestquestionclass 20. 先月this yearlast weeknext weeklast monththis weeklast yearnext monthnext yearthis monthweekend Loading...