「一」から「吹く」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 会議life(style); one's livingto give a presentationconversationgame; match; tournament (sports)experienceconference roommeeting; conference 2. 飲み物dinnerdrinkbreakfastfoodcooking; cuisine 3. 五sixtwoeightsevenninefivethreeone hundredtenfourone thousandoneten thousand 4. 人rest; a day off; holidaypersonwhatto usewomanto enterman[counter for people]to make 5. 火曜日TuesdayMondayo'clockFridaySundayThursdayWednesdayJapanSaturday 6. 探すto look for; searchto head toward; to faceKyoto [name of a city]dictionaryto sit; sit down; kneel on the floor 7. 遅れるtogetherwindowto be latedisappointing 8. 宿題problemtesthomeworkquestionclass 9. 父childJapanese person/peopleI; me[one's own] mother[one's own] fatherfatherstudentteacherfriendmother 10. 新しいnewkindwide; spaciousfamousinexpensive; cheapbad 11. 服porkvegetablebeefchickenclothesmilk 12. 二sixtwoonefiveeightten thousandthreefoursevenone hundredtennineone thousand 13. 出かけるhouse; hometo returnto waitto meet; to encounterto go outto buy 14. 上手(な)singermeaningskillful; good atto warnoldunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.)skillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)songunskillful; bad at 15. 学生friendchildfatherstudent[one's own] mother[one's own] fathermotherteacherI; meJapanese person/people 16. 窓togetherwindowdisappointingto be late 17. 風(rain, snow, etc.) stopsfirst; beginning(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrument(postage) stampwindstronganimalto collect; to gather 18. 銀色silver (color)blackredcolorgold (color)whitebrownblue 19. 小学校schoolbookuniversityhigh schoolelementary schoolmiddle school 20. 混むto be crowed / congestedto pushairportplace Loading...