「一」から「反対」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 一人で~ years ago/beforecountryforeign countrytimeafter ~two peoplewhile ~; during the time ~when ~~ ago / before ~all during the time ~alone; by oneself 2. 閉めるto open (something)(something) closes(for) ~ hoursbetweento close (something)(something) opensto hear; listening to; to ask 3. 楽しむcorrect; rightspecialShinto shrinebright; light; cheerfulto enjoypapervoice 4. 結婚Excuse me.; Goodbye.marriagetoothdentist 5. 部屋peopleroomsometimestextbookto learnclassroominteresting; funnybank 6. 正しいShinto shrinecorrect; rightvoiceto enjoypaperspecialbright; light; cheerful 7. 火曜日ThursdayWednesdayFridayo'clockSundayTuesdayJapanMondaySaturday 8. 店to answerto borrowstore; shopsummer breakother than ~to live 9. 神様dot; mark; pointgodcharm; amuletreason 10. 集めるanimalfirst; beginningto collect; to gather(postage) stampwind(rain, snow, etc.) stops(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrumentstrong 11. 会話experiencemeeting; conferenceconversationto give a presentationconference roomlife(style); one's livinggame; match; tournament (sports) 12. 置くeveryone(something) goes off/outto place; putto stealto turn off; put out (something)diary; journal 13. 朝ご飯drinkdinnercooking; cuisinefoodbreakfast 14. 風strongto collect; to gatherwind(rain, snow, etc.) stopsfirst; beginning(postage) stampanimal(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrument 15. 先生studentfatherchildI; meJapanese person/peoplemotherfriendteacher[one's own] mother[one's own] father 16. 早いearlycompany presidentmaybesocietyoffice worker; company employeecompanyquickly; earlylongworld 17. 閉まる(something) opens(for) ~ hoursto close (something)to hear; listening to; to ask(something) closesbetweento open (something) 18. 図書館to writeto teachlibraryto study 19. 新しいwide; spaciousbadkindnewinexpensive; cheapfamous 20. 歯marriagetoothExcuse me.; Goodbye.dentist Loading...