「一」から「~以外」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 二人all during the time ~alone; by oneselftwo people~ ago / before ~timewhile ~; during the time ~foreign country~ years ago/beforeafter ~when ~country 2. 住むto answerto borrowsummer breakother than ~store; shopto live 3. 手紙to runletterto wake up; get up; (something) happenshandto give rise to; cause; awaken; raise upfoot; leg 4. 見るto goto drinkto cometo see; watch; to look atto eatto sell 5. 田中さんwaterMr./Ms. Tanakariverrainmountainmeatfish 6. 建物stationshoppingsickness; illnesskimono; Japanese attirehospitalto buildbuilding 7. お姉さんyounger brothernamedogolder sisterolder brotheryounger sister[one's own] older sister[one's own] older brother~st/nd/rd/th year student 8. 電話anything; whateverelectricity; electric lightsomethingrich personto put intotelephonelast weekend~ yenessay; compositionnewspaper 9. 旅行cartrainChinaTokyotravel; tripto ride 10. 建てるstationhospitalto buildshoppingsickness; illnessbuildingkimono; Japanese attire 11. 東京Chinatravel; tripcarto rideTokyotrain 12. 上rightoutsideleftinsidebelow; underup; above 13. お父さんfriendfather[one's own] father[one's own] motherJapanese person/peoplemotherI; mestudentteacherchild 14. 女の人(ひと)personmanto enterto usewomanrest; a day off; holiday[counter for people]to makewhat 15. 毎月tonightdaytimeevery morningevening; nightevery monthmorningthis morningevery weekevery yearevery night 16. ~日the ~th day of the monththe ~th month of the yearhalf past ~; ~ and a half~ minutes past ~ o'clockthe year ~; ~ years 17. 着るto thinkto hold; haveto begin; start (something)to bringto die; pass awayto stand; stand upto showto put on/wear on the whole body or upper body(something) begins 18. 四foureighttwofivesevenone hundredoneten thousandnineone thousandtensixthree 19. 駅kimono; Japanese attirestationhospitalshoppingsickness; illnessbuildingto build 20. 入れる~ yenlast weekendrich personanything; whateversomethingnewspaperessay; compositionto put intotelephoneelectricity; electric light Loading... By using this code of transparency in your relationship, your marriage will viagra sildenafil start to improve. It reduces infections of the respiratory tract. buy viagra cheap https://pdxcommercial.com/oregon-tech-doldrums-job-growth-flatlines/job-growth/ Lier, fish and meat, which form an animal-based food group, also within a lot of debate about whether or not ED medicine really works, but a lot of this is going to help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. on line cialis Other risk factors for erectile dysfunction include various medical problems https://pdxcommercial.com/property-status/inactive?property_status=inactive&term-property-main-loop=151&tax-property-main-loop=property_type tadalafil 40mg such as hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure), diabetes, vascular disease, and neurological disease account for about 70pct of ED cases.