「一」から「同じ」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 手to give rise to; cause; awaken; raise upfoot; legto wake up; get up; (something) happenshandto runletter 2. 鳥once; one time(something) ends; finishesonce againbirdsafeto think; consider 3. 笑うto washto take; to remove (one's glasses, etc.)to put on weight; get fatto laugh; smileto memorize; commit to memory; fix in one's mind 4. 来月next monthlast monthlast yearnext yearnext weekthis monthlast weekweekendthis yearthis week 5. 右leftrightbelow; underinsideup; aboveoutside 6. 九foureightninethreefiveone hundredtwoone thousandonesixtenten thousandseven 7. 歌skillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)songsingeroldunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.)meaningto warnunskillful; bad atskillful; good at 8. 東京travel; tripto ridecarTokyotrainChina 9. 下手(な)skillful; good atunskillful; bad atunskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.)oldmeaningsongsingerto warnskillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant) 10. 川waterMr./Ms. Tanakafishmountainriverrainmeat 11. 火曜日SaturdayJapanWednesdaySundayFridayMondayTuesdayo'clockThursday 12. 試験questionhomeworkproblemtestclass 13. 電話last weekendtelephonenewspaperrich personanything; whateverelectricity; electric light~ yensomethingessay; compositionto put into 14. 晩ご飯drinkcooking; cuisinebreakfastfooddinner 15. 女の人(ひと)what[counter for people]womanmanto enterto makepersonrest; a day off; holidayto use 16. 買い物to buildbuildingshoppingkimono; Japanese attirestationhospitalsickness; illness 17. ~以外to liveother than ~summer breakstore; shopto borrowto answer 18. 歯医者marriageExcuse me.; Goodbye.toothdentist 19. 買うhouse; hometo go outto buyto waitto meet; to encounterto return 20. 散歩するa littlekanjithe New Year (holidays)to walkto swimsea; oceanto take a walk Loading...