「一」から「点」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 靴quietpopularitysound; noiseentrancebabyshoesstore workercat 2. 登るto climbdreamto study abroaddifficultword; vocabulary 3. 閉めるto hear; listening to; to askto close (something)(something) opens(something) closes(for) ~ hoursbetweento open (something) 4. 成績to lend(to be) different; to differto make a mistake; to be wrong aboutacademic grade; academic result 5. 運動するheavyphoto; pictureto exerciseeyeresearch 6. 強いstronganimalto collect; to gather(rain, snow, etc.) stops(postage) stampwindfirst; beginning(wind, etc.) blows; to play a wind instrument 7. 言葉economywarlanguage; wordalcohol; sake 8. 降るimpossible; more than one can handleconvenient; useful(rain, snow, etc.) fallssnowto cryall 9. 休み[counter for people]personwomanto entermanrest; a day off; holidaywhatto maketo use 10. 起こすletterto wake up; get up; (something) happensto give rise to; cause; awaken; raise upfoot; leghandto run 11. 有名人to arriveto go out; appear; attendcan do; be able to dobrother; siblingfamous person; celebrityto come out 12. 水mountainwaterfishrainMr./Ms. Tanakarivermeat 13. お酒alcohol; sakewarlanguage; wordeconomy 14. 何かlast weekendanything; whatever~ yentelephonerich personessay; compositionto put intonewspapersomethingelectricity; electric light 15. 歯医者toothmarriageExcuse me.; Goodbye.dentist 16. 向かうto sit; sit down; kneel on the floorto look for; searchKyoto [name of a city]dictionaryto head toward; to face 17. 春springautumnsummerwinter 18. 電車ChinaTokyotravel; triptrainto ridecar 19. 部長(to be) sadparentshairdepartment head [at a company]recently 20. 数to choose; select[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]numberto count~ times[counter for cups of drink] Loading...