「一」から「特別な」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 読むto speak; talkmouthlanguage ofto sayto singto read 2. 目to exercisephoto; pictureheavyresearcheye 3. 一人でtwo peoplecountrywhen ~alone; by oneselftimeafter ~~ years ago/beforeforeign countrywhile ~; during the time ~all during the time ~~ ago / before ~ 4. 歌oldsongunskillful; bad atto warnskillful; good atmeaningsingerskillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)unskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.) 5. 日本人studentfriendJapanese person/peoplemother[one's own] motherteacherfather[one's own] fatherI; mechild 6. 働くbusywork; jobEnglishflowerto forgetteato work 7. 日記diary; journalto place; puteveryoneto steal(something) goes off/outto turn off; put out (something) 8. 社長office worker; company employeeearlyworldcompanylongquickly; earlysocietymaybecompany president 9. 教えるto teachto studyto writelibrary 10. 去年last monthlast weeknext weeklast yearweekendthis yearthis weeknext monthnext yearthis month 11. 人[counter for people]rest; a day off; holidayto makepersonwhatmanto useto enterwoman 12. 宿題questionclasshomeworktestproblem 13. 一緒にdisappointingtogetherwindowto be late 14. 来週last weeknext monthlast yearnext yearnext weeklast monththis yearweekendthis weekthis month 15. 降るimpossible; more than one can handle(rain, snow, etc.) fallssnowto cryconvenient; usefulall 16. 読み物please give me ~talk; speechwhen ~moneynothingto cutreading; something to readhigh school student 17. 説明するgrammarto explainmedicineback; heightto help (with) 18. 帰るto meet; to encounterhouse; hometo go outto returnto waitto buy 19. お大事にtake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick)(one's own) husbandimportant; crucialshe; girlfriendto return [something]familyhe; boyfriend 20. 地下鉄(public) parkbookstoresubway Loading...