「一」から「遠い」まで(意味) Choose the correct meaning for each word. This quiz pulls 20 random questions each time when showing the quiz. 1. 後ろfront; beforeback; behindafternoonthe day beforemorning; before noonthe next day 2. 〜前にafter ~all during the time ~timetwo peoplecountry~ years ago/before~ ago / before ~alone; by oneselfforeign countrywhile ~; during the time ~when ~ 3. 音楽movie; filmbicycleto drivemovie theaterpronunciationmusic 4. 着物kimono; Japanese attireto buildbuildingshoppingstationsickness; illnesshospital 5. ~回[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]number~ timesto choose; selectto count[counter for cups of drink] 6. 着る(something) beginsto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto hold; haveto die; pass awayto bringto showto begin; start (something)to thinkto stand; stand up 7. 間(for) ~ hoursbetweento close (something)to open (something)(something) opens(something) closesto hear; listening to; to ask 8. 世界companyoffice worker; company employeesocietyquickly; earlycompany presidentworldlongearlymaybe 9. 花work; jobto workbusyEnglishteaflowerto forget 10. 生活meeting; conferenceexperiencelife(style); one's livingconversationto give a presentationconference roomgame; match; tournament (sports) 11. 面白いtextbookroominteresting; funnyto learnclassroombankpeoplesometimes 12. 足to give rise to; cause; awaken; raise upletterfoot; legto wake up; get up; (something) happenshandto run 13. 牛乳clothesbeefporkvegetablemilkchicken 14. 歌meaningto warnoldskillful; good atunskillful; bad atsingersongskillful; good at (refers to one's confidence rather than objective judgment; used in place of 上手 (じょうず) when the speaker mentions his/her own skills to avoid sounding arrogant)unskillful; bad at (refers to one's lack of confidence rather than objective judgment.) 15. 有名人brother; siblingcan do; be able to doto come outfamous person; celebrityto arriveto go out; appear; attend 16. 車to ridetrainTokyoChinatravel; tripcar 17. 建物to buildsickness; illnessshoppingkimono; Japanese attirebuildinghospitalstation 18. 何かlast weekendessay; compositionrich personanything; whatevernewspaper~ yensomethingtelephoneelectricity; electric lightto put into 19. 大事なto return [something](one's own) husbandimportant; crucialfamilyshe; girlfriendhe; boyfriendtake care; get well soon (expression used to someone who is sick) 20. 散歩するto walkkanjia littleto swimto take a walkthe New Year (holidays)sea; ocean Loading...