「~台」から「選ぶ」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. numberto choose; select~ timesだいかぞ[counter for cups of drink]えらかずかい[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]はいto count 2. to choose; selectto count~ timesだいはいnumber[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]えら[counter for cups of drink]かずかぞかい 3. [counter for cups of drink]だい~ timesto countto choose; select[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]かずかいえらnumberかぞはい 4. かぞto countnumberえら[counter for cups of drink][counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]かいto choose; selectかずだいはい~ times 5. [counter for cups of drink]to countかいえらかぞto choose; select[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]だいnumberかずはい~ times 6. [counter for cups of drink]えらかぞ~ timesかいto choose; selectだいto count[counter for vehicles, machines, mechanical devices]numberはいかず Loading...