「着る」から「始まる」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. to hold; haveto showはじto begin; start (something)もたto thinkto bringしおもto stand; stand upto die; pass awayみくto put on/wear on the whole body or upper body(something) beginsき 2. きto die; pass awayto hold; haveみしたto bringもto thinkくto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyはじ(something) beginsto showおもto stand; stand upto begin; start (something) 3. くto die; pass awayto stand; stand upもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyはじto show(something) beginsたto bringきto hold; haveto thinkみto begin; start (something)しおも 4. みto stand; stand upくto die; pass awayto hold; haveたto begin; start (something)はじきto showもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto bringおもto think(something) beginsし 5. to stand; stand upたto hold; haveおもto begin; start (something)きはじto show(something) beginsto die; pass awayto thinkくみto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto bringもし 6. た(something) beginsto begin; start (something)しto stand; stand upもto hold; haveはじto showみto die; pass awayくきおもto bringto thinkto put on/wear on the whole body or upper body 7. おもto bringto showはじto stand; stand upto hold; haveしみもき(something) beginsto begin; start (something)たくto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto thinkto die; pass away 8. はじto showto hold; haveおもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyもくto die; pass away(something) beginsto stand; stand upto begin; start (something)しto bringたきto thinkみ 9. to stand; stand upし(something) beginsみくto begin; start (something)to thinkたto showto die; pass awayもおもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto hold; haveはじto bringき Loading...