「着る」から「始まる」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. (something) beginsたくおもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto stand; stand upto showみto thinkもto hold; haveしto die; pass awayきto bringはじto begin; start (something) 2. to die; pass awayto thinkto showしto bringもto hold; haveはじto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyた(something) beginsto begin; start (something)おもきみto stand; stand upく 3. (something) beginsto stand; stand upto thinkto die; pass awayきくはじたto begin; start (something)おもto hold; haveしto bringもみto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto show 4. はじto die; pass awayたく(something) beginsto stand; stand upto begin; start (something)きto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto showみto bringもto thinkおもしto hold; have 5. to put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto bringきto showto die; pass awayおもみしto stand; stand upも(something) beginsto hold; haveたto thinkはじくto begin; start (something) 6. to showたto begin; start (something)to put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto stand; stand up(something) beginsto hold; haveみto thinkおもto bringくはじto die; pass awayしきも 7. くはじto begin; start (something)to hold; haveきしみ(something) beginsto put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto stand; stand upto bringおもto die; pass awayto thinkto showもた 8. はじto thinkもto put on/wear on the whole body or upper body(something) beginsおもto bringみto stand; stand upto showto begin; start (something)きto hold; haveto die; pass awayたしく 9. to put on/wear on the whole body or upper bodyto bringしto showくみもたはじきto begin; start (something)おもto die; pass away(something) beginsto thinkto hold; haveto stand; stand up Loading...