「正しい」から「特別な」まで(書く練習) 1. Look at the diagrams under the kanji words and learn the correct stroke orders. 2. Following the right stroke orders, write the kanji words. Then, choose the correct pronunciations and meanings. 1. voicebright; light; cheerfulcorrect; rightto enjoyShinto shrineたのpaperこえとくべつかみじんじゃただspecialあか 2. correct; rightじんじゃたのpaperto enjoyShinto shrineただvoiceあかbright; light; cheerfulこえとくべつspecialかみ 3. voiceたのかみただbright; light; cheerfulあかこえとくべつto enjoypaperじんじゃShinto shrinespecialcorrect; right 4. かみとくべつcorrect; rightたのto enjoybright; light; cheerfulvoicespecialpaperじんじゃあかこえShinto shrineただ 5. to enjoyたのspecialpapervoiceShinto shrineかみbright; light; cheerfulただとくべつあかじんじゃこえcorrect; right 6. bright; light; cheerfulかみとくべつあかこえじんじゃto enjoyただたのspecialcorrect; rightvoicepaperShinto shrine 7. Shinto shrinecorrect; rightたのbright; light; cheerfulただvoiceじんじゃspecialpaperかみこえとくべつto enjoyあか Loading...