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Can we use this material as the main textbook for elementary Japanese classes? Or is this designed for self-taught learners?


『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』は初級日本語授業の主教材として使うために開発された教材です。「音と表記編」「文法・表現編」「漢字編」の3つは、授業の予習をさせるためにも授業内で導入するためにも使っていただけます。「練習編」と「応用編」は授業内で教師の指導の下に使用するようにデザインされており、他の編で学習した内容を練習するための様々な授業活動が掲載されています。

授業外での学習の重要性を考慮すると、授業で使用される教材は独習用としても適していることが理想的であると言えます。『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』はそのようなコンセプトの下に開発されたために、独習用教材としても効率的に学習が進むようにデザインされています。これにより、日本語の授業を履修している学生は、夏休みや冬休みのように長い休みの間にも一人で確実に学習を進めることが出来ます。

Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple has been developed to be used as the main textbook for elementary Japanese language classes. While the “Sound & Writing Systems Module,” “Grammar & Expressions Module” and “Kanji Module” can be either assigned to prepare for classes or used for in-class instructions, the “Practice Module” and “Application Module” are specifically designed to be used in class. The modules provide plenty of in-class activities that help learners practice what they learn in the other modules. 

Given that most learning occurs outside class, the authors believe learning can be maximized when course materials are also suited for self-study. This is the reason why Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple is designed to facilitate the education of self-taught learners as well. This design also helps facilitate learning of students who take Japanese classes when their class doesn’t meet for a long period of time such as during summer and winter vacations.

There are already many good elementary Japanese textbooks we can choose from. Why did you make a new one like this?


確かによい教科書は既にたくさん存在しますが、それにも関わらず、最近の研究では、日本語を学習し始めた学習者の大多数が上のレベルの授業まで日本語の学習を続けないということが報告されています。(例:2019年のMLAの報告によると、米国の高等教育の日本語プログラムの100-200番台と300-400番台のコースの履修者数の割合は2009年、2013年、2016年と一貫して5対1であった。(Looney, Dennis, and Natalia Lusin. Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, Summer 2016 and Fall 2016: Final Report. Modern Language Association, 2019.)) このように多くの学習者が初級以降の授業を履修しない状況で、私達は本当に初級授業が成功していると言えるのでしょうか。このように学習者保持率が低い原因には、教科書がどのように構成され、どのような教材が提供されているかということも大きく影響していると考えられます。『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』はこのような問題意識の下、より多くの学習者を上のレベルへ導くことを目的として開発されました。

It is true that there are already many good textbooks available for elementary Japanese classes. As good as they are, however, recent studies have found that a majority of students who start taking the first semester of Japanese don’t continue to take upper-level Japanese courses. (For example, according to the 2019 MLA’s report, the ratio of introductory to advanced enrollments in post-secondary Japanese language courses in the U.S. was consistently 5:1 in 2009, 2013 and 2016. (Looney, Dennis, and Natalia Lusin. Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, Summer 2016 and Fall 2016: Final Report. Modern Language Association, 2019.)). Can we claim our elementary classes are successful if this many students don’t continue to take subsequent classes? The authors of Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple believe how textbooks are written and what kind of learning materials are provided are major factors contributing to this undesirable retention rate and developed this material so that we can help more students continue their Japanese language studies to upper level courses.  

What are major differences between this material and other frequently-used elementary Japanese language textbooks?

This textbook tries to address the following issues while maintaining well-supported features of other texts such as selections of grammar/expressions and in-class activities designed based on the communicative approach.





Brown, Peter C., Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014. (訳は引用者による)


『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』では、 以上の点を改善するために、今まで個々に導入されていた複数の文法項目や表現を大まかな10の文法規則の下で関連性を持たせて導入しています。このような導入後、徐々に個別の表現に目を向けるというデザインになっているため、より関連付けられた文法理解を促進し、学習者にとって長期記憶に結び付けやすいデザインになっています。 例えば、「~かもしれない」は文末表現の一つとして文法ポイント9で、「~時」は複文表現の一つとして文法ポイント10で、文法的特徴を共有する他の表現と一緒に導入されるため、学習者はよりよく関連付けられた形で様々な文法・表現を効率よく理解、練習することが出来ます。

Instead of introducing each grammar and expression separately, first examine multiple expressions that share common grammatical features, then practice each grammar and expression more closely.

Other frequently-used textbooks tend to introduce each target grammar and expression separately without relating the target grammar item or expression to others (e.g., Lesson 13 Grammar 1 “~かもしれない,” Lesson 28 Grammar 2 “~時,” etc.). Practices are also focused solely on the target items. From the first chapter to the last, grammar items and expressions are covered in the same fashion, resulting in accumulating more than a hundred discrete grammar and expressions. Although it is true that these narrowly focused grammar introductions and massed practices can quickly produce tangible gains in class, as quoted below, recent studies have found strong empirical evidence that these methods are ineffective in producing long-lasting learning outcomes. 

It’s widely believed by teachers, trainers, and coaches that the most effective way to master a new skill is to give it dogged, single-minded focus, practicing over and over until you’ve got it down. Our faith in this runs deep, because most of us see fast gains during the learning phase of massed practice. What’s apparent from the research is that gains achieved during massed practice are transitory and melt away quickly. (pp.9-10)

Brown, Peter C., Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.

Anyone who teaches a foreign language in class has probably been tempted to say “I taught this expression in the last lesson. How can they already forget?” As disappointing as it is, however, we must admit that how we currently introduce and practice grammar and expressions contributes to students’ fast forgetting of learned items. 

Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple offers an alternative approach to this less effective method by grouping multiple grammar and expressions under ten fundamental grammar rules and introducing each group of items, which used to be introduced separately, all together. Individual grammar items and expressions are given thorough and focused practice after students achieve a comprehensive understanding of each fundamental rule by studying grouped items together. For example, “~かもしれない” is introduced in Grammar Point 9 with other sentence-final expressions and “~時” in Grammar Point 10 with other sentence-connecting expressions before advancing to more focused practices on each item. This well-structured approach helps students better understand grammar and expressions and attain recognizable long-lasting gains.  





『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』は、この点を考慮し、既習学習項目を効率的に長期記憶に結び付けるための学習アプリをウェブサイトから提供し、学習アプリでの練習をしていれば確実に既習学習項目を忘れずに長期的な学習へと結び付けられるようにデザインされています。既習学習項目の保持を学習者任せにするのではなく、効率的で効果的な手段を提供しているため、学習者も日々の学習を実感することが出来、より多くの学習者を確実に長期的な学習の成功に導くことが出来ます。また、日本語の最初のコースでこの学習アプリの使用を習慣付けた学習者は、学校の夏休みや冬休みなどの間も自分で学習を続けるため、長期休暇の間に多くの既習学習項目を忘れてしまうという心配もありません。実際は、多くの学習者が学期中に学習したことの習熟度を高めて新学期にのぞみます。

Provide a learning tool specifically designed for achieving long-lasting gains without forgetting what is learned in class

Human brains are made to forget learned information. In order to achieve long-term gains, learners have to actively recall what is learned before it is completely forgotten. In foreign language learning, for example, it is a great challenge for learners not to forget the sheer volume of vocabulary, kanji, grammar and expressions. It may be that the main cause for the majority of Japanese language students discontinuing their studies after introductory level classes is that retaining what they learn becomes increasingly more challenging, rather than that learning new grammar and expressions is difficult.

Despite the obvious need for effective support for information retention, frequently-used elementary Japanese texts don’t provide learning materials that are designed specifically for helping learners retain information better. As a test, can you confidently claim that your current text provides a tool that can help your students avoid forgetting what they have learned and achieve mastery without fail? The fact of the matter is probably that you have to create additional learning materials for students or students have to find on their own a method to avoid forgetting. This is one of the main causes of the undesirably low retention rate between introductory and advanced enrollments. 

Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple takes this problem seriously and offers a concrete solution by providing on this website an assuredly effective learning application designed for retaining what is learned on the text. By using this application, learners can advance their study efficiently and confidently without forgetting what they learn. Because learners are provided such a tool and not forced to find their own methods to avoid forgetting, they can feel steady improvement every day and, as a result, more students are encouraged to continue their Japanese language learning to advanced courses. It is also noteworthy that learners who build a daily habit to use this learning app during the first semester of Japanese class continue to use the app between semesters, so there is no need for them to be concerned about forgetting what they learn in class even during long holidays such as summer and winter vacations. In fact, many learners will come back to the new semester with improved skills and understanding of Japanese. 




『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』では、最も基本的な文法や表現を10の文法ポイントの下に120~150時間で導入・練習し、初級の残りの時間で様々な応用練習を行うようにデザインされています。これにより、初級の後半に基本的な文法や表現を繰り返し十分に練習出来るようになっています。

Implement a two-phase curriculum design: Introduce the most fundamental elementary grammar and expressions in the first phase and spend more time on advanced practices in the second phase.   

Currently, often-used elementary textbooks spread introductions and practices of various beginner grammar and expressions evenly throughout a total of 200-250 hours of lower-level classes. This design may look logical but in fact contains two obvious flaws: 1) It forces instructors to introduce each target grammar and expression separately, and 2) it doesn’t provide learners enough time to practice repeatedly in a variety of contexts what they learn in the latter half of elementary-level classes before starting taking intermediate classes.

Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple is designed so that the most fundamental elementary grammar and expressions are introduced and practiced under ten grammar rules within 120-150 in-class hours. This design allows learners to spend more time on advanced practices in the remaining hours of elementary classes and enables them to practice basic grammar and expressions repeatedly before starting intermediate classes. 

This material is designed so that elementary grammar and expressions are introduced in a shorter duration of time than other frequently-used elementary textbooks. Does that mean this material doesn’t cover all the grammar and expressions usually introduced in other textbooks?


『初級日本語 Quick & Simple』は他のよく使われている初級日本語教科書で通常学習される全ての文法と表現を導入しています。ただし、各文法や表現を個別に取り上げて導入するのをやめて、10の文法ポイントの下で体系的に導入している上に、授業外で効率的に練習が行える学習アプリを提供しているため、より短時間で文法導入を行うことが出来ます。短い時間で基礎的な文法を導入することで、より多くの時間を様々な応用的な練習に費やせるようにデザインされています。

Elementary Japanese Quick & Simple covers all the grammar and expressions that are usually introduced in elementary Japanese classes. The reason why grammar introductions can be done more quickly is because it introduces grammar and expressions more systematically under ten grammar rules and also utilizes an effective learning application that efficiently facilitates learners’ study outside class. This design allows learners to spend more time on advanced practices before starting intermediate classes.

I understand how the textbook is written, but I have never used this Anki learning app and am not very sure how it works even after I have looked at their website. What do you recommend to do to prepare myself for using Anki for my classes?


Ankiのホームページとマニュアルには様々な情報が掲載されていますが、学生の質問に授業内で対処しなくてはいけないことなどを考えると、一番効率的なのは実際にAnkiを使って外国語を学習してみることだと言えます。このウェブサイトの 「教師用Ankiフラッシュカード」のページ には、この教科書のAnkiフラッシュカードを韓国語学習用教材に作り変えたものがあります。ページの説明に沿ってAnkiのダウンロードや設定の変更などを行い、日本語に似た言語の韓国語をAnkiを使って実際に学習してみることで、この教科書で学習する学生がAnkiを使ってどのように授業外で日本語を練習するかを経験することが出来ます。Ankiを使うことで、文字の学習や単語の暗記や保持、読む練習や文を聞く練習などが授業外でどれほど効率的に行えるようになるかが分かるため、どのようなペースでカリキュラムを組み、どのような評価を行えばよいかなどが、自分の経験を基に考えられるようになります。(また、授業準備をしながら自分のためにも新しい外国語が学べます!)

The Anki homepage and manual have a great amount of information, but, given that you will have to deal with students’ questions in class, the best way to prepare yourself for giving instructions on Anki is to actually learn a foreign language using Anki. The “Anki Flashcards for Teachers” page on this website provides Anki flashcards for learning Korean that are designed in the same way as the Anki flashcards that your students use for learning Japanese with this textbook. By actually downloading Anki, changing its settings, and learning a similar language, Korean, just like your students are expected to do, you can experience at first hand how your students will practice Japanese outside class. The first-hand experience on Anki’s effectiveness in learning characters, memorizing and retaining vocabulary, and practicing reading and listening will help you greatly when you build a curriculum and assessment plans. And, last but not least, you can have fun in learning a new language, too!

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